Trans Oceanic Radio

This Zenith Trans Oceanic Model G500 Radio was made in late 1950. One of the best portable radios at the time and was even purchased by the US Army for military use. It was a rich mans toy, at the price of US$100. Which at the time was not something the average family could afford on the average income of $275 a month. 

I was first introduced to the Trans Oceanic in 1950 when I wandered into our local furniture store in Oceanside, California, which had a Radio Shop and saw it sitting on the counter. At the time it appeared in the shops, I was just out of grammar school, and penniless. I turned it on and fell in love at first sight.

It fascinated me to hear people's voices from all around the world, right out of the box in front of me. I came back to the store at least once a week for almost a year, coveting the radio. The salesmen let me play with it for hours at a time.  

It was many years later that I found this one on Ebay and purchased it for $100- (Same price as it was new 40 years previously) ! 

It works. Will have to replace some tubes..