Events that have impacted my life.

2023:    Married Jim Isbell New Years day of 2023. Vacate Storyhouse and move its content to Lighthouse. Start with the creating of a museum of stories. Horror of 2023 - chiggers !

2022:     Visited my sons in Namibia, South Africa and Texas. Learned about DID personalities. Spent wonderful time with my sibs in South Africa. Got new glasses. Threw a concrete slap for the Storyhouse verandah. Met Jim in church. Horror of 2022 - scabies!

2021:    June 2021, dead sick with Covid. 

2020:    Divorce Eelco Fransen (married 2004). Bond again with best friend since school, Suna Kritzinger.

2004:    My life on the water started in Raratonga, Cook Islands, South Pacific Ocean. 

2002:    Divorce C.T. Ward (married 1978). Three sons God has given to me in that marriage. 

2000:    Worked as fashion designer, making 'dreams come true' for many - of all ages and shapes. 

Admin, management, organizing, crafting, creating, always in praise!, - thats's me.

When I was 6 years old, I went to boarding house and school for 12 years in the copper mining town of Tsumeb, in the north of Namibia. 

My parents were farmers adjacent to the Etosha Game Reserve in the north. 

Mi-sA-le is a self chosen name. This link will take you to the story behind it. When you come to the end of that story, there's a link to 'My Africa'.

Please visit my gallery where you'll find many more links to some of the diversity that's me.

Thanks for visiting.