Showing posts with label Isbell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Isbell. Show all posts

2023 in the Isbell Sanctuary

 2023 is history.

Mi-sA-le:  My vision of the Isbell Sanctuary, has become more clear during 2023. Little by little small terraces are becoming more visible. Terraces on our 45degree sanddune means the possibility of walking on level ground, at least partially, and to be able to get to the orchards, the crop fields, the veggie factory, the fish pond, the tropical forest with its hanging gardens, and not to forget the mini golf course … Yes, dreaming is allowed in my world (smile).

Up and down tall ladders on slanted and uneven surfaces, are not the easiest on body and nerves. However, to trim the trees, and control the sails, to repair and paint the soffit a little, getting on the roof and fix the chimney raincap, - up and down tall ladders we shall go...

Loving our sanctuary and not hating the pests, diseases, worms, javalinas, deer, ants, rabbits, gofers, racoons, possums, and free roaming cats and dogs, who eat or destroy the plants one way or another, has been put to serious testing this last year. Everything in Texas is bigger- also the attack launched by the chiggers, mosquitos and no-see-ums. Surviving in paradise came with a price... but I shall keep on trying to get the garden to flower and deliver soothing joy to the soul.

Our delight in finding treasures, better yet, space...!., in the maze of things in the garage, is difficult to describe. Jim re-lives countless memories and treats me to a library of stories. So, our museum grows.

The right knee replacement of Jim was a 100% success. He's getting healthier, day by day. Praise God.

By now you might understand and hopefully forgive the silence on our blog. The terraces grow shovel by shovel...