Beauty in death

 Winter was short lived. There were three freezes that sowed havoc and death in the garden. The over wintering plans we applied did mostly not work due to the strong winds, (55 mph). But some worked very well. All in all it was, and still is, a big learning curve on surviving the garden in South Texas.

I picked up some dead leaves and hung it by our front door. Even in their state of death they are beautiful and show us the circle of life. Contented with a full life that was. All the seasons lived. Wonderful memories. They build within us hope and expectation of new life and joy to come. 

Spring has come early this year. All the surviving plants have sprung to life. God is good to us.

(Leaves of; oak, bayleaf, pine, palm, eucalypt, cypress, corn husks, wild honeysuckle)