Longest non-stop flight

 The Rutan Voyager Model 76 was the first plane to successfully circumnavigate the globe without making any stops, either for fuel or repairs. That record still stands today even after 38 years. "December 14 to 23, 1986. The flight took 9 days, 3 minutes, and 44 seconds and covered 24,986 miles (40,211 km), almost doubling the old distance record set by a Boeing B-52 strategic bomber in 1962." (Wikipedia)

It stayed aloft for 216 hours with two pilots aboard. The two engines of the plane weighed more that the aircraft itself. For a flight of 9 days it had to carry fuel and oil for the two engines as well as food and water for the two pilots. I wonder how much weight they saved by dumping the human waste overboard. Where they did it might be a more germane question, prompting the next question of, “Where were you my little man so spick and span...”  Oh, never mind, it's a very old joke...

This picture, autographed by the two pilots, was a gift from the project, that I contributed funds to.