Salvador Dali

Salvador Dali. Spanish Surrealist painter and printmaker, born in 1904 and known for his explorations of subconscious imagery.  

I have always admired the fiercely technical yet highly unusual paintings of Salvador Dali, and when I got the chance 30 years ago to buy 4 original signed  prints from the wholesaler called Comb, I bought them. 
The Hallucinogenic Toreador (first picture) was originally done in oil on canvas around 1968, 

The Madonna and child (second picture), 


'Columbus Discovers America', 


the 'Wailing Wall'. 

According to the Google library, Dali would make a drawing on the back of the checks with which he paid his restaurant bills. Resulting in few cheques being cashed, but instead kept for the collectors value. 

Salvador Dali's interactive art ushered in a new generation of imaginative expression.

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