Texas Wild Grapes

 The wild grapes grow voraciously, covering everything in its path. The giant oak trees and beautiful bay leaf trees are all covered with a thick blanket of grape. Do they (the other trees) play hide and seek I wonder, or are they actually grasping for sunshine and air in their quest to survive? It seems all the grape covering is somehow connected. The untidy grape arms are hanging through under their own weight over our driveway and scratch the cars. During the winter my son got into

them with the shears and hacksaw and trimmed our driveway respectable. The vines are extremely resilient and tough. They don't break easy. And are truly the kind Tarzan and the apes were swinging about in the jungle. Last year Jim told me about the grapes, but none I could see. Apparently it makes lovely wine and jelly. Well, spring has come and gone. Summer is full on. And so are the grapes. As far as the eye can see (on our vines), the grape are bearing grapes, unlimited. I have climbed the ladder and picked a bunch. Cooked a jelly. And decided it was an experience. Nature is fascinating !